Journeying into the Past

The Roots of a Family Tree begin with the Love of Two Hearts. ~ Unknown I have spent numerous hours journeying into the past, researching mine and my husband’s family tree. Doing this research about our ancestors and collateral relatives has given us a lot of fascinating and inciteful information. It has helped us to …

Mid-life Already?

According to an article published by in February this year, the average life expectancy for Americans is 78.7 years, which means that even before I turn 40 years-old next month I am already middle-aged.  Middle-age or Mid-life…the time when so many adults look back and think what happened to my youth? How did I already …


What does the word Gratitude mean to you?  Why is it important to practice Gratitude in your life? I recently joined a group on Facebook with other Beachbody Coaches where the focus of the group is on Gratitude. This week we started a challenge and each day we are given a task to complete. Today’s …

Learning to Focus…

Learning to Focus and Finding Balance are two things that you’ll probably here from me often. They are two of the things, that I am constantly striving to do. It always seems like my daily schedule with the kids, housework, and my own work – that I am constantly moving in several different directions and trying to do …

Finding Balance…

When you look up the definition of Balance it seems like it would be such a simple thing to achieve. BALANCE ( mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc.synonyms: poise, composure If we lived an ideal world where we weren’t always rushing around trying to get things done, then I suppose it would be easy to find balance and keep it. Throw kids in the mix and …

Reflection & Inspiration

During this busy time of our year, when the holidays are fast approaching, it is so easy to get caught up in all the hustle & bustle. It is also a time of even greater stress in our lives as we try to get a multitude of things done. We may worry about money or …

Wisdom from Robert Fulghum

One of my favorite authors is Robert Fulghum, who wrote: “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten.” It is still one of my favorite books, which I love to go back and read through often. So many great quotes of wisdom that we could all truly learn from. Here I will share …

A Tribute to Our Veterans

Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day in the US. A time to honor and remember all those who have served and are still serving in all areas of our countries military. I came across some touching media images, poems, and songs that I would like to share here. From Share Our Garden’s Blog “I Drive Your …


Right now in the church, I am working with the Outreach Committee to put together the Annual Thanksgiving Baskets for Neighbors In Need. They are the organization in charge of a number of food pantries in my local area and have been around for 30 years. Our goal this year is to put together 75 …

A Little Gratitude

November typically is the month that people on social media start posting what they are grateful for. Some people try to post something new every day of the month. It seems like a logical month to do this as we Americans prepare for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I may not post every day, but I …