How Would You Spend One Million Dollars…In One Day??

If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money?   Well, first of all, I would pay off all my bills, which is probably not surprising. Then I would buy a house since we rent right now. I would buy 2 …

Anti-princess heroines from my youth

Love this post on PHD in Parenting about Female Heroines, which were big during my youth. Not your typical princesses and many other types of strong female characters. Anti-princess heroines from my youth Who was your favorite Female Heroine growing up?? If I had to pick one, I think mine would be She-Ra. I used …

Finding Time

On a daily basis I have come to realize that I am always trying to find the time for things. …time for my family…time for everyday chores …time for errands …time for myself Now time for myself, is always at the bottom of the list, not sure if this is always a good thing, but …

Losing Yourself?

Is it possible to still keep your individuality even when you are in a relationship? Sometimes I feel like I have lost who I am, now that I am a mom and in a relationship. It’s hard to take time to focus on the things that I need sometimes when I am busy with my …