Puddle or Leaf Pile?

Which is better to jump in: a leaf pile or a puddle? For me, it would depend on the weather. During a warm rain, it is definitely a lot of fun to run around with the kids and splash in the puddles. Living in New England, I love the variety of the seasons! What better …

Finding Time

On a daily basis I have come to realize that I am always trying to find the time for things. …time for my family…time for everyday chores …time for errands …time for myself Now time for myself, is always at the bottom of the list, not sure if this is always a good thing, but …

One of those weeks…

You know those days when your toddler decides that waking up an hour before the alarm is to go off is a good idea. Not too mention that waking mom up once or twice during the night is no big deal. That has been the majority of my days this week. They don’t seem to …

Losing Yourself?

Is it possible to still keep your individuality even when you are in a relationship? Sometimes I feel like I have lost who I am, now that I am a mom and in a relationship. It’s hard to take time to focus on the things that I need sometimes when I am busy with my …