Taking Time for My Health

Since having my last kid twelve years ago I have been trying to get back on track with my health, trying to lose weight and get back in shape. I started various workout programs, changed some of my eating habits, incorporated health supplements, and started tracking how much water I was drinking. I started seeing …

Health Journey

Join me as I continue on my health journey, focusing on nutrition, weight loss, and fitness. My overall goal is to change my mindset and approach to a full body and mind transformation in order to create an ongoing healthy lifestyle. I tend to struggle with staying hydrated and eating meals on a consistent basis. I …

My Ongoing Transformation

Growing up I played sports – soccer, softball, ice skating. I performed as a dancer, singer, actor. I stayed active with friends – biking, hiking, playing pick-up games, swimming. I always thought of myself as athletic, never really worried too much about gaining weight. I ate fairly healthy, my family rarely had fast food, as …