Mid-life Already?

According to an article published by fortune.com in February this year, the average life expectancy for Americans is 78.7 years, which means that even before I turn 40 years-old next month I am already middle-aged. 

Middle-age or Mid-life…the time when so many adults look back and think what happened to my youth? How did I already get so old? What am I doing with my life? And with that type of thinking, they, in turn, have a “mid-life crisis.”

I am taking a different approach –  I am Embracing Aging! Focusing on my present day and looking toward the future. I may not have as much energy as I did when I was younger, but I have more wisdom and experience to help me achieve my life goals.

Why are we so afraid to age? Why do we try to cling to our youth?? Weren’t those the years when we were trying to get comfortable in our own skin?

The older I get, the less I am concerned with what others think about me. I have realized that we are all trying to figure out our lives and do what is best for ourselves and our families. No one person has the “right” answer or the “right” way to do things. We are all out there trying our best. The key is that we keep trying!


Each day truly is a gift, stop worrying so much that you are getting older and make the most of each day you have.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

About Cheri (aka Artsymom)

Cheri (aka Artsymom) is a homeschooling mom, a step-mom, a mormor (grandma), and a crazy cat lady. Lover of the Arts, Books, and Nature! A lifelong New Englander who is Balancing, Juggling and Dancing through life with my Wacky Monkeys (aka the kids).


  1. I feel that I’m at a midlife crises I’m 33. I have a rare diesel that cuts women’s life expectancy by 25 years. I still have so much I want out of life.

    • Sorry to hear about your health diagnosis. I hope that they are able to find something that cures it. As nothing in life is certain, including how much time we each have, all we can do is live our lives the best we can during the time we have. I wish you all the best. xo

  2. I love your viewpoint in this post. How we need to embrace our aging and make the most of each day that we have. This is something I have been trying to do as well. I guess since I have gotten older I have learned to appreciate each day. Great post!

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